Marketing Plan
We require a lot of publicity and advertisement in order to spread the word about our programs and services. This is a requirement to attract funding and support for RON. Therefore, we are adopting far-reaching and effective advert strategies aimed at attracting these donors and supporters and as a way of spreading the word about the programs and services we offer. We will do this as a way of attracting willing targets, and also as a way of encouraging society to support our efforts by coming out to lend a hand. We will use all advert and publicity tools in helping us reach a wide audience. This is in addition to building a website for our RON Foundation.
The activities of the foundation would be promoted through the following means;
Advertising: print and direct mail, television, radio, and so on will be used when necessary.
Public relations: there would be regular press releases, activities to promote awareness about the foundation.
Digital marketing: we would market the foundation for donor support through our website, email, blog, social media, and so on.
Partnerships with other organizations: The foundations will enter into partnerships with other organizations that share the core values of the foundations and are seeking to alleviate the suffering of the poor in society.
Hosting of Community Events: the foundation will host community events on regular basis to attract the attention of well-meaning individuals for their support.
As a non-profit, we see our programs and activities as essential, and welcome other non-profit businesses as we see our programs and services as complementary, and as such, RON alone cannot do it all. Therefore, we will not see ourselves as competing with any other non-profit or charity organization, but would gladly cooperate if the need arises to achieve better and faster results. There are several non-profit or charity groups doing a great job, and we will be delighted if more come on board to help us achieve our objective.
Source of Funding
The foundation would embark on a strong revenue drive aimed at generating the required funding to remain operational. An initial capital funding of GHS120, 000 has been set aside and being used for this purpose by the founder of the RON Foundation, Mrs. Margaret Gavor. The founder has committed herself to support the programs of RON by a 10% matching contribution. The rest of the funding would be sourced by soliciting for donations from businesses within the operational catchment area and from friends and other donor groups.
Financial Projection
With vigorous awareness campaigns coupled with definitive action regarding the raising of critical funding, we project impressive revenue growth of GHS 500,000 sourced within 5 years from the start of business operations. There are great potentials for growth in funding as we expand our operations to cover more beneficiaries and districts. This would be used primarily in the provision of support in teaching the word through radio and other media, counseling, coaching, capacity-building programs, and skill development to our target groups.
Operations Plan
The foundation has a continued life span, which is phased out in segments of implementation. A segment of 5 years with annual reviews.